Extra Sauce with Chaim Kohn
Extra Sauce with Chaim Kohn
11. A Journey of Roots & Wings: Part 1 - Conversation with Yehudah DovBer Zirkind
Yehudah DovBer Zirkind is a spiritual seeker and an academic of the first order. I sat down with him for an impromptu conversation about many issues related to his growing up and journey within the Chabad Chassidic community and the Yeshiva system.
Yehudah DovBer Zirkind grew up in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York and studied at various Chabad Yeshivos around the world before making Aliya in 2006. He is currently a senior research fellow at David Cardozo Academy in Jerusalem. In addition, he is a researcher, writer and lecturer on a wide range of topics in the field of academic Jewish studies. Yehudah is currently a graduate student of Yiddish literature at Tel Aviv University. His forthcoming thesis is entitled "The Sacred, the Secular and the Sacrilegious in the Life and Literary Works of Chaim Grade" His research interests include: contemporary Jewish thought, Yiddish and Hebrew literature, neo-Chassidism, Yiddish music and folklore, and Jewish bibliography.
Some of his papers are accessible online at: https://telaviv.academia.edu/YehudahZirkind
Yehuda can be contacted at: yehuda.zirkind@mail.huji.ac.il
Intro Music: Mai Ko Mashma Lon
Outro Music: Golus Golus (Kaliv)
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