Extra Sauce with Chaim Kohn
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Extra Sauce with Chaim Kohn
9. The Most Real Parents I've Ever Met - Conversation with Malka and Mendel Groden
Chaim Kohn, Malka Groden
Meet Malka and Mendel Groden...the most real parents I've ever met.
I sat down with my friend Mendel Groden and his wife Malka for an up close and honest conversation about their journey together as a couple and as parents.
Hear their unique story of navigating the rollercoaster of emotions that come with fertility treatments, adoption, race, and discovering the miracle that already is.
Mendel and Malka are so refreshingly honest, wise, and fun to listen to.
Oh if only more parents were as real as these two...
More about Malka and Mendel: